Home Page Images

Background: Mt. Rainier

This image is in the public domain, sourced from the National Park Service gallery of Mt. Rainier photos. It has been cropped to make the background banner for the MRHS1974.us website. The website theme (Hestia) automatically darkens the image for the background.

Rams head

The ram head image was found at PickPik where it is licensed as a “royalty-free photo”. The original image has the ram facing left, but for our purposes, the image was flipped horizontally to have the ram face to the right. It was then resized for use as icons when the website is installed as a desktop or mobile application. Source:

Rams head emblem

This image comes from the 1972 yearbook cover. Salzer photographed the image, cropped it, and added transparency to the area around the ram head. It was then resized.

Countdown background

An image with rainbows was selected as the graphic used behind the countdown timer on the home page. Photo by James Wheeler: https://www.pexels.com/photo/crop-field-under-rainbow-and-cloudy-skies-at-dayime-1542495/

Posts and Pages

Default page header: Woman in Library

This image was found on Pexels.com. It was licensed as “free to use” when it was downloaded. Photo credit: photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-choosing-a-book-from-the-shelves-6550162/

PayPal post: PayPal image

The header background image for the Testing PayPal for Registrations page was found on Pexels.com. Photo by Brett Jordan: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-and-white-logo-guessing-game-5437587/

UPDATE image

Image of the word update written on a chalkboardAs used for the titled UPDATE: 50th-year Reunion, he image of the word UPDATE written in white on a chalkboard is free-to-use by Anna Tarazevich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/update-lettering-text-on-black-background-5697254/

40th Reunion Planning Committee image

Picture of the 40th Reunion planning committeeAs used for the titled Reunion Event Committees Formed! post, the image of the 40th Reunion planning committee was pulled from the Class of 1974 Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mt.rainierclassof1974/.

Searching for Missing Classmates image

Screenshot of investigator pointing to bulletin board with clues connected by thumbtacks and stringThis image was used in the Searching for Missing Classmates post. Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-gray-long-sleeve-suit-holding-a-pen-8369520/

Forming a 501(c)(7) image

Image of a person signing a document with a fountain penWe selected an image of a person signing a document with a fountain pen for the Forming a 501(c)(7) post. Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sign-pen-business-document-48148/

Committees page header image

Photo showing arms and hands of people working together on charts laid flat on a tableThe image in the header is from Freepik.com. The photo credit is: Image by tirachardz on Freepik.

Post: Have You Registered Yet?

The image from StockCake is in the public domain and is said to be AI-generated.

Post: SCHEDULE for the 50th Reunion!

Photo by Gonzalo Guzman Flores on Unsplash

Post: About the Corporation and Electing Directors

Photo by Element5 Digital: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-dropping-paper-on-box-1550337/

This image is also used on the Council Election 2024 page.

Yearbook Photos

TOR 74 Yearbook Photos

Individual portrait photos of classmates were, we believe, captured by the Kennell-Ellis Studio. However, after 80 years in business, the Kennell-Ellis Studio closed in 2004. They made original negatives available for a time but their website has since been shut down. We are assuming we can use reproductions of these images as fair use of images that are likely still protected by copyright.

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